Stolen Firearm Custom Report
To create a Custom Report/List for Stolen Firearm
goto Reports | Custom Reports |
Select "Gun Collection" and click on "Next"
Click on Show SQL
Copy and Paste the line below into the text box field under the "Hide SQL" & "Get Data" buttons.
SELECT FullName as [Full Name] ,ModelName as [Model Name] ,SerialNumber as [Serial Number] ,Type as [Firearm Type] ,Caliber ,dtSold as [Date Sold] from qryGunCollectionDetails where ItemSold=2
Now Click on "Get Data"
Now you Have a List of firearms that were stolen
In the "Page heading" type in "Stolen Firearms"
Now in the Toolbar of the "View Custom Report" window, click on the disk icon, This will save this report to the database. So now if you wanted to pull it up again just go to Reports | Custom Reports Select the "Stolen Firearms" from the "Load a Saved Report" drop down box and click on the "Load" and it will load that sql statement that you copied in and now you can print the report if you wish.